wrote in message
James Toupin wrote:
There is of course a technical problem with your "solution" that you are
overlooking: if these aluminium sequins are set adrift in orbit, what is
keep them from reflecting heat back down to the earth and acting as a
thermal blanket, trapping more heat then it stops entering the
One side of whatever material was used would have to be coated in an
extremely reflective material, while the other side would have to be
in an extremely absorbent material. Now comes the big problem: how do you
manage to align these particles and then keep them stable in orbit? The
particles are going to naturally just tumble through space. That is a
big obstacle to overcome.
Obviously you do not have a scientific mind, for a mind of science
would know that volcanoes with volcanic ash and meteors with meteor ash
in the upper atmosphere stops Sun rays from getting through and thus
cooling Earth.
Is it that you forgot about volcanic ash that would trashcan your
argument. Is it that you forgot about meteoric ash that would trashcan
your argument.
While I am not a professional scientist, I do have a "scientific mind", as
you put it. I have not forgotten volcanic ash or meteoric ash and dust as an
agent in cooling the atmosphere. However, volcanic ash or dust ejected by
the impact of a meteorite is not at all similar to "aluminums sequins". Both
volcanic ash and impact debris does not so much reflect solar radiation away
from the earth as simply blocking the radiation from striking the surface,
particularly in the visible and infrared wavelengths. And, oddly enough,
while it cools the earth by blocking sunlight from reaching the earth's
surface, it also acts as a thermal blanket trapping whatever heat is
generated by the planet and it's life processes thus keeping the temperature
from droping as dramatically as it would otherwise.
Actually, there is not even a need to invoke the examples of volcanic and
meteoric activity, as this is a fairly well known principle to
meteorologists and a mater of common sense that , I imagine, even grade
school children have perceived. An overcast day is cooler than a clear one,
while a clear night is cooler than an overcast one. This is because, during
the night the earth radiates heat energy, in the form of infrared radiation,
back into space reducing the temperature. The cloud cover stops the heat
from being radiated away and traps the heat in the atmosphere.
Think about what is the proportion of reflected Sun rays by Earth
compared to the number of incoming Sun rays.
The reflection of the "Sun rays" - very scientific - is not the issue. The
issue is how much solar radiation, particularly in the infrared wavelength
is absorbed by earth's ocean and how much heat, generated by that radiation
striking the earth, is allowed to escape back into space. It is a precarious
balancing act and one that has already been affected by the release of
carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere through industrial processes. This
carbon-dioxide produces the very "thermal blanket" effect that I have
already cited above, which traps the heat in earth's atmosphere that would
normally be radiated out into space.
As for aligning the sequin, I do not need to do that. Aluminum sequin
is the lowest tech for a Earth Air Conditioner and will be the first
such engineering. But after it is in orbit, there is no doubt in my
mind that future engineers will make it higher tech with the ability to
perhaps align the particles.
Perhaps the lowest tech solution would be to simply release dust into the
upper atmosphere, or low earth orbit, rather than using reflective aluminum
sequins at all. This would not even require the refining process needed to
produce aluminum, simply dig up a mound of dirt somewhere. Of course there
is still the nasty business of unintended consequences: how would the rest
of the climate be effected by the change you purpose? The Gulf Stream and
the Global Conveyer are integral to balancing the heat exchange between the
middle and lower latitudes.
As I said earlier Order is happiness and the more order we have means
the more controlling of Hurricanes and also controlling Earth Air
Conditioner. Some future day we could perhaps control weather for most
of the continental land masses.
Order is not always happiness. If you need proof of that simply ask anyone
who suffered at the hands of Nazism or Communism, both big believers in
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies