The Gaia theory of Earth is a fakery and a ludricous theory and any
scientist who claims themselves as a scientist should never accept the
Gaia theory. And I should not be starting a discussion of serious
science by starting it with the Gaia theory, but the reason I do so is
because, if the Gaia theory had any truth to it-- it would now be
saying that the planet Earth would be increasing in cloud formation all
over the globe and thus decreasing Global-Warming. But reality shows us
otherwise that as Global Warming increases that this planet cloud cover
is decreasing.
In a post several weeks past I remarked that I had lived in southeast
South Dakota in 1986-1987 and I noticed that in the summers we had 2 or
3 days of hot humid temperature followed automatically and rhymically
by a thunderstorm with rain. Now in 2001-2005 we have 3 weeks of hot
humid weather, no clouds and no rainfall. And the years of 2004 and
2005 have been almost 3 months without any rain.
I said in a post several weeks ago that freshwater on continents
compared to sal****er in oceans and that the water cycle maybe a Zero
Sum Game where the amount of fresh water compared to salt water is a
somewhat fixed constant and so with Global Warming increasing that the
fresh water dumped on coastlines due to hurricanes and monsoons is
depriving the interior of those continents with fresh water rainfall.
So if this pattern increases means that the interior states of the USA
will become deserts and the coastal states such as Florida will be
flooded every summer.
But what I wanted to say most of all in this post is that Global
Warming seems to destroy cloud formation in the interiors of
continents. And I wonder what the mechanism for that cloud destruction
is. Does it involve the altering of the Jet Stream? Does it involve the
fact that the atmosphere where clouds are formed are heated up so much
that it burns away clouds so that they cannot form. If you do not have
clouds, it is pretty hard to have rainfall.
Has any meteorological data base kept track of clouds for the past 30
years which could provide clues and answers as to the diminishing of
cloud formation over the interior states of the USA.
Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies