On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 22:41:51 GMT, "Coby Beck"
"Roger Coppock" wrote in message
Mowing records reaval global warming
Published on 05/09/2005, in The News and Star
A former COCKERMOUTH man's record of his lawn mowing for the last 20
years have been included in a major climate change study.
Clearly the imaginary global warming signal is just an artifact of the
suburban mower island effect, whereby general increase in global wealth due
to unbridled capitalism has resulted in people being fussier about their
lawns, thereby mowing more often and earlier in the year. Satellite
readings of lawn clipping piles has shown the actual trend of cuttings is
slightly downward.
And here all I was thinking is that it was Lamarckism in operation.
The grass developed a need created by the 'mowing' environment to have
a longer growing period to help combat the mower -- it became stronger
at growing for being chopped back so much. And this characteristic
would be passed on to the grass' offspring.