In sci.physics, Attila the Bum
on 10 Sep 2005 11:42:46 -0700
. com:
... drove my Chevy to the levee, but
the levee was dry ... whiskey and rye.
"earthlink" is still tied to a Scientologist?
I wouldn't know, offhand; the closest I personally am
to Scientology is that I pass by one of their centers
(church? instructional school?) on my way to a friend's
place occasionally. :-P In any event, E-meters sound
slightly fraudulent to me, though I should note that
this is second-hand info, courtesy of Martin Gardner's
_Fads and Fallacies In The Name Of Science_. I don't
plan on learning firsthand.
I can also tell you that Sky T. Dayton holds 5.6M shares of
ELNK (out of 133.29M) and is a director thereof. Whether
Sky T. Dayton is a Scientologist I for one have no idea.
Google did cough up some articles suggesting such; one of them
is at:
Draw your own conclusions. I prefer independent thinking, when
I have that option. :-)
Followups to sci.skeptic.
Atty (Mother Nature tears herself a new one,
but blames a man, again :-)
It's still legal to go .sigless.