- And on Sun, 18 Apr 2004 21:22:18 +0100, it was spake thus said in message JPG :
missed it 
I thought that if I right-clicked on the image and selected
properties, and then cut-and-paste the url from there, it would be
fixed - seems I was wrong.
I'll have to find another way of fixing the image, ie saving it under
another filename and posting it on a website (with permission, of
This one was a classic, looking like a tropical storm (S hemisphere
Fairly easy really Martin...
IF you're using Windows, when you see the screen you want, just press the
Print Screen button on the top right of the keyboard which copies the current
screen you can see to the clip board, - that means EVERY pixel that you can
see on your monitor including the task bar at the bottom, so careful what
you've got open when you do it...
You can of course hold down the Alt button whilst pressing the Print Screen
button which only captures the current window with all it's tool/scoll bars -
If you only want to capture part of that window you can reduce the size of the
window then past that into a simple image editor - I use
which is FREEWARE

- and crop to the image you want......
Nick in Northallerton
Also nickw7coc on both Yahoo Messenger & on MSN Messenger