WE HAVE A NEW RECORD: Wilma 175 mph, -GW ain't it COOL? :-)
raylopez99 explain the H2-PV system
Let me guess: PV = photovoltaic, H2 = hydrogen, and - means
The usual problems with such ideas are that PV panels are $4/watt...
and every other problem flows from that. Maybe NanoSolar has a
breakthrough, but then again, maybe not. Folks have been working
on the PV problem for decades so far, it may be decades before the
cost comes down enough.
It's fundamentally hard to compete economically with pumping oil out
of the ground as a source of energy. Digging coal out of the ground
is cheaper, but that's about it. Schemes which involve changing the
relative costs of coal, oil, and renewables (carbon tax, incentives,
whatever) will involve changing a good chunk of the economic
structure of western civilization.
Question: aside from CO2 reductions, does PV actually do anything to
reduce warming? i.e. would massive PV increase the albedo of the
earth noticeably? Seems unlikely....