Hoggle wrote:
That table only includes huricanes that have struck mainland USA, which
is a subset of all Atlantic storms.
LIAR. Cheap whore sucking the Petroleum Jelly Pipeline. HURDAT is the
only databses we have for Atlantic Basin cyclones. It includes every
one known to date, pending further reviews of obsure historical sources
refining the passages of ancient storms through ships logs and yellowed
newspapers copied to microfilms.
It is also affected by the multi-decadal osscillation, as the position
of surrounding anticyclones changes the tracks cyclicly, and therefore
the odds of them hitting the USA.
LIAR, TRAMP. Big Gobs of Goo drolling down your chin onto your Blue
Dress, Monica.
Tricky things, statistics - one word can change the whole meaning of a
graph or table.
Yeah. Look at Lomborg.
That's why I provided the data in two versions, with link to the
original HURDAT. So people could do their OWN STATISTICS and not be
lied to by ANYBODY.
Then Check your whore figures to the ones you actually produce with
your own calculator. See whose lying and who is telling the truth.
1851-1995 (145 years)
369/145 = 2.5 TS per year = 25 per 10-years Tropical Storms
275/145= 1.9 C1 per year = 19 per 10-years Hurricanes Category 1
197/145= 1.4 C2 per year = 14 per 10-years Hurricanes Category 2
153/145= 1.05 C3 per year = 10.5 per 10-years MAJOR Hurricanes Category
76/145= 0.52 per year = 5.2 per 10-years MAJOR Hurricanes Category 4
21/145= 0.14 per year = 1.4 per 10-years MAJOR Hurricanes Category 5
1996-2005 (10 years)
61/10= 6.1 per year = 61 per 10-years Tropical Storms
28/10= 2.8 per year = 28 per 10-years Hurricanes Category 1
12/10= 1.2 per year = 12 per 10-years Hurricanes Category 2
16/10= 1.6 per year = 16 per 10-years MAJOR Hurricanes Category 3
19/10= 1.9 per year = 19 per 10-years MAJOR Hurricanes Category 4
5/10= 0.5 per year = 5 per 10-years MAJOR Hurricanes Category 5
PERCENTAGE DIFFERENCE 1996-2005 to averages 1851-1995
1/25 x 61 = 144% MORE Tropical Storms, 1996-2005
1/19 x 28 = 47% MORE Hurricanes Category 1, 1996-2005
1/14 x 12 = 14% LESS Hurricanes Category 2, 1996-2005
1/10.5 x 16 = 52% MORE MAJOR Hurricanes Category 3, 1996-2005
1/10 x 19 = 90% MORE MAJOR Hurricanes Category 4, 1996-2005
1/1.4 x 5 = 257% MORE MAJOR Hurricanes Category 5, 1996-2005