Steve Young wrote:
I think the question is posed wrong. How many of the current (since circa
1965) TC would NOT have been detected without satellite. Prior to 1965, the
East Pacific had an average of about 7 TS/Hurricanes detected. Since 1965
it about 16. Does this indicate asignificant increase in TC or an increase
The one THIS year that hit Spain was NEVER on the US satellites. It was
reported from birth through death without once making an appearance on
a US National Hurricane Center screen.
You are obviously unfamiliar with paleotempestology, geography,
oceanography and economics.
The USA and the entire Carribean coastal areas were settled early as
ECONOMIC colonies intended to reap large profits through high-volume
sea trade. The Pacific, by contrast had neither destinations nor sea
lanes which intersected the storm spawning regions. One water body was
thick with ships every day of the year, and one was devoid of ships.
Can you guess which was which?
The concept of "Stealth Hurricanes" has been dismissed as not worthy of
further contemplation. There were no one-inch-wide hurricanes which
slipped uncounted between observers without ever breaking a branch or
toppling a tree.
The R.I.C.O. organized crime
rings making up the political party known as reTHUGlicans has a
coordinated campaign to discredit the climate records in class-warfare
which enriches the heirs holding controlling blocks of stocks in the
major energy companies. ExxonMobil is still mostly family-owned nearly
a century after the Supreme Court busted up Standard Oil, but left the
stocks of the child-corporations in the same hands the corporate-parent
were held by. These people's assorted stocks holdings just made
$39,000,000,000 profits last fiscal quarter -- plenty of money for
herds of minimum-wage intern-cattle at corporate-owned non-taxed
propaganda mills.
The internships in class-warfare propaganda factories include:
*** Leadership Institute
*** Charles G. Koch Summer Fellows Program
*** SEPPtic Tank
*** GOP TeamLeaders
Young people are taught pathological lying and disorienting
confrontations with opponents to knock them off balance. Successful
graduates may be put on a career path which they can parlay into a
future political career as a servant of the permanent neo-aristocracy
plutocrat class.
LYING about records of climate is a course taught to hundreds of new
(cheap) drones every year.