Steve Schulin wrote:
Coppock's comment was that this has been a busy year with storms raging
without relief every few days. I snipped it because the comments I was
making was going to be long enough without carrying Coppock's comment
not relevent to the points I was making.
Well, if you hadn't snipped the context, perhaps you'd describe it
better here and now too.
It wasn't relevent then. It's still not relevent now. No point in
filling a message with irrelevent baggage.
Highly accurate predictions of Wilma's path were valuable -- Corbyn was
silent. ...
I'm not sure the routine scope of his forecasting. Maybe he'll be higher
profile on such matters next year.
Since we don't really know what he forecasts, since there is no record
of specific forecasts on his website or anywhere else, we can't comment
on those.
The only comment we have was made by you, purporting to be a press
release that was never issued to the press, never reported by any
press, and is not even posted on his own website. We
have no information how this undocumented "press release" came into
your possession, and no way to verify that you haven't alterred this
document in passage. There is no verification trail of authorship or
All we have is this, posted by you...
And all that is turns out to be a piddling 34 mph node in a broad 20-25
mph seas two weeks before the fact, but claiming much bigger stuff
which did not occur.
What we don't have is a much more interesting omission of events which
happened just prior to that prediction. Corbyn FAILED to predict
category 3 Hurricane BETA in the same seas just five days earlier.
Corbyn FAILED to predict Tropical Storm ALPHA four days earlier than
BETA. Corbyn FAILED to predict the STRONGEST HURRICANE EVER only two
weeks prior to making this prediction. Ask yourself: if I know what I
am doing and I want people to take me seriously, do I predict the
greatest storm in the record books or the closest thing to a failed
storm you can get and still leave a tickmark as TD #27 in the record
books? Corbyn not only FAILED to predict any storm which got a name,
but he was WRONG in the only prediction he actually made.
You are a Moonie according to the doctrine of "If it walks like a duck,
quacks like a duck, has feathers like a duck, looks like duck" then it
is a duck. When you do not deviate 1% from Moonies you are identical to
Moonies, and since one Moonie is indistinguishable with all other
Moonies, there's no scientific means to determine your degrees of
Corbyn very well may sell a lot of forecasts to industry as he claims,
just like S. Fred Singer sells a lot of climate consultations to Coal
and Oil clients. The predictions are thrown right in the trashcan --
he's hired to sell the "solar leprechan theory" that creates the
illusion of that there is unsettled science over global warming.
Corbyn's a (possibly Moonie) Crook. Singer is a Known-Moonie Crook. You
are a likely-Moonie Crook.
The Corbyn Slideshow is a bunch of bogus pseudo-science. I'm surprised
the Institute of Physics didn't pelt him with rotten tomatos for
putting on such odious crap.