In article ,
Phil Hays wrote, in part:
... the fact remains that
the Weather Action news release of Oct 21 described the NHC official
forecast of Nov 15 quite well.
That is a wild spin, that the astrology is forecasting what the NHC is
going to predict.
You don't seem to find anything worthwhile in having longer-term
forecast identical to state-of-the-art next day forecast. I'm not shy
about disagreeing with you on that.
The spin doesn't change the sco
"Weather Action" astrology 0 in 3 attempts.
Please keep posting those astrological forecasts, Steve. The more
track record, the clearer it will be just exactly how useful they are.
There is nothing like a track record to sort out the posers.
Just two days to the "major Atlantic storm". Better post another
forecast. If you stop posting them, we might get the idea you are
getting skeptical about astrology. It is so so so sad when nasty
facts break beautiful fantasies.
I recall your specious posts about Landscheidt's method being astrology.
Is your refrain about Weather Action based on anything different?
Very truly,
Steve Schulin