Atlantic TS Epsilon Is About a 1 in 80,000 Year Event!!!!!....andwhat about last millenium events ?
leto2 wrote:
"Scott" escribió en el mensaje
You are being unclear.
TS Epsilon itself is not a 1 in 80K year event. After all,
tropical storms in early December aren't exactly rare. See
TS Otto from last year for example. It is the accumulation
of all the previous storms before Eps that is unusual.
Roger Coppock wrote:
Atlantic TS Epsilon Is About a 1 in 80,000 Year Event!!!!!
[snip rest]
BTW, has anyone an explanation for the following :
Sometime in recent historical times, Greenland was, well : green. So there
was not much ice on it at this time, and this period is dated between 800 AC
and 1000 AC, and it is the period when the Vikings ventured in Northern
Atlantic. Then later weather grew colder, and Greenland was not green
anymore (and the Vikings settlements in Vinland - Nova Scotia ? Newfoundland
? - disappeared)
So if the Greenland ice sheet did shrink at the time, why on earth isn't
there a clue of a 10 to 20 feet variation of the sea level between 800 AC
and 1000 AC ? Was the ice thicker at the time in Kamtchatka ? Alaska ? the
Antarctic ?
The Vikings lied.
josh halpern