We were considering a DigiWx AWOS and a SuperAWOS. I was sold on DigiWx
AWOS until I started talking with DigiWx users who had the DigiWx VOICE
option including Huntington UT, Annapolis MD, Monticello UT and Ocean
City, NJ after I saw the comparison at
http://www.superawos.com/feature_comparison.htm. SuperAWOS told me I
wouldn't find any happy users and I didn't!
All four airports report DigiWx VOICE as not working greater than 90%
of the time. I did hear one user say that DigiWx had mic clicks
available. But SuperAWOS say DigiWx mic clicks is not automatically
adaptive --- only manually adaptive which means there has to be
somebody available to alter the message length on an Automated Unicom
Considering all the other things I have been hearing about DigiWx and
the Belfort Instrument Company, I believe we will be pursuing the
SuperAWOS product instead even though it costs more. But like someone
already said, buy **** and you'll have ****! We don't want any DigiWx
turds around on our airport!