Urban CO2 Island? Yes it exists, and the CO2 data from Hawaii is suspect
There is nothing here worth the bandwith to debate it.
The "CO2 Science" website is run by a father and son team,
the Idso family, both paid fossil fuel industry shills and
notorious liars. According to "www.ExxonMobilsecrets.org,"
recent payoffs to these two from industry bagmen include:
Craig Idso:
Board of Academic and Scientific Advisors with Committee for a
Constructive Tomorrow: $ 382,000
Chairman, Founder and Former President with Center for the Study of
Carbon Dioxide & Global Change: $ 65,000
Expert with George C. Marshall Institute: $ 515,000
Sherwood Idso:
Board of Academic and Scientific Advisors with Committee for a
Constructive Tomorrow: $ 382,000
President with Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global
Change: $ 65,000
Expert with George C. Marshall Institute: $ 515,000
The Idso's summaries of scientific articles are infamous for
lies by omission. One would be wise to read the actual
articles, even the abstracts of the articles, rather than
to accept the half-truths of a summary on the Idso's
"CO2 [pseudo] Science" web site.