Harold Brooks a écrit dans le message ...
In article .com,
We all know about UHI (Urban Heat Island) and how it affects
temperature (even AGW'er cultists acknowledge this point, though they
claim their computer models account for UHI and can show temperature
increases even after UHI is subtracted out of the data)
But what about Urban CO2 island? Is is possible the Mauna Loa, Hawaii
CO2 measuring site, run by the Keeling clique, is subject to CO2 from
nearby urban areas like Honolulu?
Mauna Loa's 250 miles from Honolulu. Given the trade winds, it's
upstream from Honolulu.
Harold Brooks
hebrooks87 hotmail.com
Quiescent Outgassing of Mauna Loa Volcano 1958-1994
This may give you some idea of the complexity of the problem!!!