Urban CO2 Island? Yes it exists, and the CO2 data from Hawaii is suspect
In article .com,
"raylopez99" wrote:
We all know about UHI (Urban Heat Island) and how it affects
temperature (even AGW'er cultists acknowledge this point, though they
claim their computer models account for UHI and can show temperature
increases even after UHI is subtracted out of the data)
Yes, those UHI in Iowa, in the Atlantic Ocean...
But what about Urban CO2 island? Is is possible the Mauna Loa, Hawaii
CO2 measuring site, run by the Keeling clique, is subject to CO2 from
nearby urban areas like Honolulu?
Honolulu is not really nearby.
That the actual background CO2 level
is much smaller? As also evidenced by other "non-Hawaiian" CO2
measuring stations? Can it be that the myth of the supposed "world
mixing bowl" of the Mauna Loa site is just that, a myth?
Yes, yes it can.
Is it possible Klingons are using disruptors to heat up the planet? Yes, in
the wacky world of Ray, anything is possible.
See the below article synopsys from the CO2 climate change website.
The Urban CO2 Dome of Mexico City Reference
Velasco, E., Pressley, S., Allwine, E., Westberg, H. and Lamb, B. 2005.
Measurements of CO2 fluxes from the Mexico City urban landscape.
Atmospheric Environment 39: 7433-7446.
What was done
As the world's second largest city, the capital of Mexico is an urban
center with a wide range of direct and indirect CO2 emissions from a
mix of commercial, industrial, residential and mobile sources. In the
present study, the authors installed an eddy covariance flux system to
a height of 37 meters above the ground in a densely populated section
of the city to investigate the diurnal flux of CO2 over the urban
landscape. CO2 flux data were obtained over 23 days (7-29 April 2003)
during the warm dry season, including a period of significantly reduced
traffic during the Holy Week national holiday (14-20 April).
What was learned
Urban CO2 concentrations showed a clear diurnal pattern over the period
of study with the highest concentrations (398 to 444 ppm, average of
421 ppm) occurring during the morning hours and the lowest
concentrations (average of 375 ppm) occurring in the afternoon. The
average CO2 flux over the 23-day period was predominately positive,
indicating that the surrounding urban surface was a net source of CO2
to the atmosphere, and that CO2 uptake by urban vegetation was not
sufficient to offset the CO2 release from anthropogenic sources. The
authors also note that urban CO2 concentrations were an average of 20
ppm higher during the morning rush hour of the higher-traffic week
prior to Holy Week and 14 ppm higher during the following week. CO2
concentrations were additionally found to be higher on weekdays versus
weekends, which effect, in the words of Velasco et al., is "directly
related to vehicular traffic," since the transportation sector accounts
for approximately 60% of the urban CO2 emissions burden.
What it means
It means areas where there lots of people and vehicles and industry put out
mopre CO2 than areas where there are not. Yawn.
The results of this study add to the growing body of evidence that
identifies the urban CO2 dome as a major, although localized,
human-induced perturbation of the background rural environment.
Reviewed 1 March 2006