(Phenology) First daffodil in flower today - Berkshire
Given the different flowering periods of the various hybrids are you
using the same variety as a marker?
Generally I try to use the same two or three clumps for consistency.
They're not particularly notably early or late compared with other
daffodils in the area, I notice other clumps in the village are just
starting to show too so I believe they are reasonably 'representative'.
I've no idea what variety they are!
In the Bracknell/Wokingham area there is normally a marvellous display
of daffodils on the roadside between the Coppid Beech roundabout and
the hotel. These sometimes appear in mid-January, this year early to
mid-Feb, many weeks earlier than any others in the area, and they are
still out. They must be an extremely early variety.