"Joe Hunt" wrote in message
Since the temperature has risen into double figures here, currently
12.6degC, I have forgotten what it is like to walk outside into cold air
with a biting wind. Maybe Peter Gibbs has lost his perception too !
Currently 11.8C here, the fist 10C day since November 14th.
Who'd have thought that such a temp on March 25th would be
worthy of comment. It feels very mild out but it's really not far
of average for the time of year.
I've just pruned the roses which for me is the symbolic start of
spring in the garden. Easily warm enough to do this a T-shirt
however I still got the comment from a neighbour - Ooooo you
should put a jumper on you know!
I didn't tell her about the vest I was wearing underneath though
Bolton, Lancashire.
160m asl.