(WR) Aberdeen 25th March 2006 - Very Wet
Rain finally eased off about 1:30pm by which time 43.4mm had fallen in
less than 20 hours. 35.0mm since midnight today.
This is the second time in the 10 months I've been recording that over
40mm has fallen within 24 hours. 76.2mm fell in 36 hours in October and
these two falls together have accounted for some 20% of the rainfall
I've recorded in that time (587.8mm).
Rainfall during March now stands at 93.4mm which is about 170% of the
average for the whole month.
Max today was a chilly 6.7C so it is now 47 days since 10C was reached
- almost certainly the longest spell this late in the winter since
Richard Slessor,
Hazlehead, Aberdeen.