Dartington, South Hams - thoroughly wet...
It has stopped raining, but the wind has really picked up.
Today's precip (so far) 12.2mm
Today's max Temp +11.8 deg. C (at present)
Current 20:00 UTC
Temp +11.8 deg. C
DP +10.7 deg. C
RH 93%
Wind SW 06KT gust 22KT (and that's a fair gust for my sheltered site).
I have obtained some more accurate eLTA figures for my site covering
period 1971-2000. The month so far gives me a 24-hr temp anomaly of
-1.5 deg. C when compared against these new figures. That appears a bit
more reasonable.
Rainfall is also a bit more believable.
79mm so far this month. -26.0mm anomaly so far. Looks like this will be
exceeded in this damp SW'ly airstream