A bright, breezy afternoon with some Cb floating about to the north.
At 17:00z:-
7/8 Cu/As.
Temperature, 10.6°C steady from a high of 11.7°C at 14:00z.
Dew point, 1.9°C.
RH 55%
Wind 8 mph, gusting to 15 mph, W. Max gust 36 mph, SW, at 13:00z.
Barometer 997.0 mb, steady.
Recorded precipitation since 00:00z, 0.8 mm at a maximum rate of 1.6
mm/hr at 06:45z.
Total recorded precipitation this month, 134.6 mm.
Total recorded precipitation this year, 380.4 mm.
Alan White
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Lochs Long and Goil in Argyll, Scotland.
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