Mean max 8.7 (-1.7), high max 15.7 (31st), low max 3.3 (16th)
Mean min 2.9 (-0.7), high min 11.8 (27th), low min -2.9 (4th), grass
min -7.5 (4th)
Month mean 5.8 (-1.2)
Precipitation 28.6mm (79%)
Sunshine 125.5hrs (100%)
Hours of frost 42.3
Mean Barometric pressure 1010.6mb
Highest Barometric pressure 1032.6mb on the 12th
Lowest Barometric pressure 992.1mb on the 24th
At 09hrs - Fog 0, snow cover 0
Days with - snow falling 2, thunder 0
Coldest March since 1996 (7.1), 1987 (7.2), third coldest since records
began here in 1978
Wind Direction
N 0
NE 10
E 1
SE 3
S 1
SW 12
W 2
NW 2
Calm 0
More details can be found on my website, follow 'Southend Data' link.
Keith (Southend)