" cupra" wrote in message
Penny Farthing wrote:
"Joe Hunt" wrote in message
"Penny Farthing" wrote in message
" cupra" wrote in message
Penny Farthing wrote:
I'm new here so I hope this post is appropriate. Can anyone tell
me what the temperature is today in Tignes (French Alps) or point
me to a web site so that I can find out. Yahoo weather doesn't
list Tignes. TIA
Go to the horse's mouth!
oops ....I was being a bit of a girl there!!!
I have a contact, who lives in Tignes, who I could put you in touch
with if you needed some more detailed, up to date reports. Also this
website offers some great information on Espace Killy -
Thanks Joe..you won't catch me there in this lifetime.. lol!!
My son is there at the moment and I was just wondering how cold he
is...(At least I can't hear him whingeing about it)
Ah go on - get yourself out there in the snow!
You're a nice friendly group.....I would have been abused by now in some of
the other groups I frequent for being 'off topic'
It's not the cold I don't like it's the skiing itself I don't fancy...well
the falling over I should say.