Joe Egginton wrote:
I think it was in January 2004, like you it's the first time I saw a
thunderstorm with heavy snow. It's quite unusual in this country,
because you need very cold air undercutting mild air.
Tell that to my son zapped by a bolt from a snowcloud in West Wales...
Does she mean the "Thundersnow" band that worked it's way down the country?
Came through here like a train.. excellent! Tracked oit on radar and told
partner "In the next few mins there will be a strong wind accompanied by
sudden rain turning immediatly to heavy snow qalong with thunder..." Stood
in the front garden and saw it move up the street...
My forcasting went up in her estimation, never told her i had tracked it for
hours and read descriptions of it's passing on here. ;o)
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Les Hemmings a.a #2251 SA