Roger Coppock wrote:
You're saying that there is no mechanism.
I'm saying that there isn't even a siginificant
correlation. We, therefore, agree.
It is not that simple Roger.
The working principles for climate norms presently look similar to the
creationist working principles for geological evolution and I assure
you that it is that bad.
Call it an enormous oversight if you will and treat it that way, but
permitting a hemispherical variable axial tilting Earth to the Sun is
very hard to stomach in an era which already has excellent climate data
indicating global climate imbalances.
The mechanism or what amounts to the same thing ; the astronomical
working principles , rely on an entirely different perspective which
brings astronomical causes in line with the global climate data and can
be reduced to hemispherical meteorological descriptions as a
The Fossil Fools disagree with both of us.
They're saying that global warming is all due
to natural cycles.
Any ex-smoker ,as I am, will tell you of the damage of dumping
pollution into the lungs and the difference it makes to the body when
the smoker comes to his senses and stops smoking,I imagine that smokers
are more likely to recognise that global warming is a planetary
response to dumping pollution into the atmosphere just as smoking
generates physical imbalances in the body.Most people as they get older
marvel at how the body works and do attempt to curb their behavior to
allow the body to do its job but when it comes to the planet,suddenly
it is a different story.
I hope you see my point is framing global warming as an imbalance
however there is no indication that scientists accept the astronomical
cause for climate norms or balances,prefering to frame climate norms in
hemispherical meteorological patterns of summer/winter (as in that
website above).Even in broad outline,climate norms are every bit as
intricate as the workings of the human body yet the Earth is treated in
the most perverse way -
Those who argue that global warming is due to natural cycles may seem
like they know what they are talking about but I assure you that what
they believe is almost as frightening as global warming itself.