On 9 Apr 2006 15:03:50 -0700, Ken Cook wrote:
No idea on that one, but I'll find out this week and let you know. My
best bet is No.1 son who works in the area and gets all the gossip,
worst bet is Parish Council who never seem to be told anything!
Dual carriaging sounds a good bet and an even better idea!
Improvement (aka dualling) Greta Bridge to Stephen Bank
Improvement Carkin Moor to Scotch Corner
Dualling Stephen Bank to Carkin Moor is only planned ATM. And looks to be
stalled at the planning/consultation stage. The A66 at this point follows
a roman road and this passes right through a fort at Carkin Moor.
Oh well looks like we will be stuck with a 6.5km bottle neck for the next
ten years whilst they sort that out. As the name Stephen Bank suggests,
this is a hill and currently where the heavies struggle...
Dave. pam is missing e-mail