Is this an invitation to a duel?
Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
You are right of course Steve. In all honesty I planned to send it to him.
The fact it showed up here had me several times cancelling the message which
appears not to have worked.
You really are the most appalling dim-wit. I am not one given to LOLing
but your abuse has had me COLing.
However it as also provided me with more insight into the tastelessness
of other people's flame wars. I can see now what is personally funny is
not seen in anything like the same light by others.
I can't promise to restrain myself in future but if you know anyone
with a 10 year old and a computer, you should be able to find my
address if you ask nicely. Then you can come and be abusive to my face
if you want.
Be warned though that I have done time and it wouldn't disturb me too
much to defend myself mercilessly and not just lambast you with the
sock full of **** that you so richly deserve.
Perhaps you might care to bring a few friends, if you have any.
Now pysse offe ande fynde anothyr playnge fyeld. Ssssilly boy.