I've been using Digital Atmophere and doing a 'quality control' on
some of the ships in the area to the NW of Spain. PDBE was one, P&O
NEDLLOYD MERCATOR, it came up as. So as you say, it's just a case of
whether they report. Must admit I always thought this was standard
procedures nowadays for shipping, especially with the automatic age
we're in, it would be useful to get more coverage in the oceans.
Anyway, thanks again for your help.
Keith (Southend)
'Weather Home & Abroad'
COL Station for Southend-on-Sea
Reply to: kreh'at'southendweather'dot'net
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On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 21:22:05 +0100, "Martin Rowley"
"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
.. .
Thankyou Martin for that.
I assume I just need to find the ID MZLT8 in the synops? However,
can't seem to find it amongst the usual sources. Any promps would be
helpfull please :-)
... haven't got any special source ... all I would do is load up the
appropriate file and search for the call-sign. Remember though that many
vessels only report once or twice per day (00 and/or 12Z); some don't
report at all - some it depends who is on watch, how keen they are etc.,
etc. You are not necessarily going to get any reports!