Ian Bartholomew wrote:
"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
Server is currently down for maintenance.
Not more problems ?
I forgot to say, it might be advisable to "Suspend Network Activity", on the
Commands menu, for the duration of the outage. Wait until the server is
back up and running before letting your model reconnect. That's what I'm
doing anyway :-)
Good idea, I've done that now, I'll check it again in the morning.
26/04/2006 19:14:10|BBC Climate Change Experiment|Project is down
26/04/2006 20:14:10|BBC Climate Change Experiment|Sending scheduler
request to
26/04/2006 20:14:10|BBC Climate Change Experiment|Reason: To send
trickle-up message
26/04/2006 20:14:10|BBC Climate Change Experiment|(not requesting new
work or reporting completed tasks)
26/04/2006 20:14:16|BBC Climate Change Experiment|Scheduler request to
http://bbc.cpdn.org/bbc_cgi/cgi succeeded
26/04/2006 20:14:16|BBC Climate Change Experiment|Message from server:
Project is temporarily shut down for maintenance
26/04/2006 20:14:16|BBC Climate Change Experiment|Project is down
26/04/2006 20:44:40||Suspending network activity - user request
Thanks Ian.
Keith (Southend)