Summer arrives in Norway!
"Kåre V" wrote in :
Seattle had summer last Friday - sunny and temps of 73°F/23°C.
24 hours later it was back to winter - raining hard and 39°F/4°C.
That's an unusually large one day swing for our maritime climate,
though it ~is~ spring and time for schizoid weather here... ;^)
LOL. I know how it works in april and may. :-) Its strange. I must say
that the weather they predict the next ten days is probably one of the
best I have ever seen this time of year! Sunshine every day and warm
southeast winds that will give us over twenty degrees (68 farenheit).
I work in a kindergarden with kids from 3 to 6 years old. I always
like to work there, but in the summertime it is fantastic! I enjoy
every bit of the summer with this job. :-) And the kids are so great
to work with.
It is a fact that this year there have been a lot easternwinds in
Norway. Normally there is western winds making our capital, Oslo, in
the rainshadow, but with east winds they have terrible weather. Some
scientists say that is will happen more and more in the future! I hope
so! :-)
Shhh! Global climate change is ~supposed~ to be utterly disastrous for
every creature on the planet!
I heard an interview a few years ago with the mayor of Barrow, Alaska - at
71°N, about as far north as you can go in the state without a boat - on
the Spring day when the sun rises above the horizon to stay for several
weeks. He said the parents in town ~really~ like this day, since they can
tell the kids to "go outside and play until it gets dark..." ;^}