"Les Crossan" Everyone -
I see Estofex have a sev 1 for the UK, this is borne out by the latest GFS
runs - and the skies here were full of accas and acflo this morning, first
time this year!
A bit of CAPE on the Herstmonceaux chart this morning too I see - could
get interesting with the heating of the day.
A few patches of Ac cas visible here in SE London this morning,and a high Ci
haze, but strong sunshine pouring on to concrete at EGCL has already got it
to 22C at 11Z.The 06Z Larkhill sounding suggests in excess of 26C is
required to release a good deal of CAPE, but are we likely to see a sea
breeze here to initiate convection and will there be enough support
aloft?Probably not.But could be interesting points NW of London,
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