How long has that bugger been waiting out there? And how long is it due
to last? If it goes through this spell into the next, it must surely
build up to Just Too Damned Big.
Is there a limit on how big such a cyclone can be out there? I'm glad
the the SE got some rain at last, as I hoped it might -but this is
ridiculous. Isn't it?
Some neo-astrology:
The moon is smack on the equator right now; a neutral point; one that
cyclones for instance can not cross. So if it gets through tonight, it
can only build if solar declinations have anything to go by. After
Saturday we will know. (Or not as the case might be.)
Or is it something to do with that blighter Chandler?
When the night has come and things are black and the moon is a poor
light to me. I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid even though no
bugger here will stand by me! Stand by me, no no no! No one stand by
me, I don't give a stuff that you won't stand by me.
Sometimes the sky that we aught to look up to, can fall, fall down on
you and me. And the mountains that we thought were so strong and firm,
end up badly crumpled by the sea. I won't cry, not I. I will not be in
fear, as long as you know nothing more.
Nothing that is, all that much more...
.... than me.