[WR] Romsey - thunder (was 'rain shower - huge blobs of rain')
"Nigel Paice" wrote in message
That pleasant smell of rain on warm, dry surfaces
(well, dry until 15 minutes ago) fills the air. Very
narrow but tall CU, are just glaciating into fragile
'chimneys' of CB cal before collapsing, indicating
that there is only just enough moisture to support
these clouds in our area. The sky in the southeast
quadrant is virtually clear of cloud.
A pair of anvils have rapidly sprouted from clusters of
CU congestus clouds to the WSW and E, slowly moving
NW'wards. The sky to the SE and S remains clear.
Distant thunder has been heard from both of these CBs
since 1515Z. Obviously there is still enough moisture!
Current conditions at 1520Z on 11th May 06:
SYNOP 11/1520Z
03/// 41662 42202 10203 20104 40180 5////
71780 83962 333 82935=
EG// 111520Z 22002KT 9999 TS FEW035CB
FEW040TCU 20/10 Q//// BLU=
wind... SW, force 1.
visibility... 12km.
weather... thunderstorm (no rain).
clouds... 2/8 CB cap, base 3500ft,
2/8 CU con, base 4000ft,
1/8 AC cbgen at 12000ft,
2/8 CI spi at 25000ft.
dry bulb... +20.3C.
dewpoint... +10.4C.
RH... 53%.
sea level pressure... 1018.0mb.
beaufort letters (1450-1520Z)... bcproy,bcy,bctlo.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)