Nottingham warmer than S of France?
"Jeremy Rogers" wrote in message
The message
from "Joe Hunt" contains these words:
I take it you landed at East Midlands airport which is in Derbyshire,
to Leicestershire than Nottinghamshire !?
Actually it is *in* Leicestershire but its but has a Derbyshire post
code and Derby is the nearest city. There is supposedly now a paid-for
'Welcome to Leicestershire' advertising sign visible on arrival, but I
haven't been there for a while.
I had always assumed it was in Derbyshire given its postal code. I have just
checked my OS map and indeed the River Trent to the NW of the airfield marks
the county boundary between Leicestershire and Derbyshire.
I live in Wymeswold, under the flight path of runway 27, but haven't
actually visited the airport for some time. I tend to use London based
airports as flights are considerably cheaper.