Nottingham warmer than S of France?
Trevor wrote:
"Gianna" wrote in message
Trevor wrote:
Can anyone explain why in the S of France on Thurs 11th (max temp 21C and
humidity 50%) felt pleasant to me (I think most Brits would have found it
cool) whilst arriving at Nottingham the next day (max 21C humidity 45%)
it felt stinking hot to me. I had to have all windows open in the car to
cool down, somthing I didn't need to do the week in France) Both had
winds force 3 to 4.
I find it mysterious!
The mystery may be based on an assumption that it should be otherwise.
I know, for example, that when it is a sunny 15C here, with light winds
etc., that it will feel much warmer than the same temperature in
21C in Italy, would feel much less warm than 21C here. It was 22C here
the other day and it was hot ... people were carrying water if walking
into town.
30C in Italy is nice and warm, while anything over 25 in England has
always felt unbearably hot to me.
As for hot and sticky, I have mentioned before that when it feels "very
humid", the humidity is often not particularly high at the time. 45%
would be one of my lowest humidity figures here ... at a quick glance, one
49 and one 46 are the only 40-somethings in the last 120 days (which
happen to be on my desk).
When relating such tales to friends in England, they would say 'ah but it
is a different kind of heat there [Italy]', and when they expressed
surprise that I was moving to Scotland, I of course said 'but it is a
warmer kind of cold there'.
This does not explain why it feels different, only that my experiences and
my expectations are the same, while yours are not.
(Having read that back to 'spell check' it, I cannot help but wonder if
latitude/angle of the sun is a factor.)
But sun angle should make S France feel warmer.
Why? Given that it is 21° in each location.