Kĺre V wrote:
Who gives a crap about all this junk you're spewing about .... go away.
I give a crap! I care! I read everything Weatherlawyer writes. Even though
I`m not so good at English yet and don't understand everything. I read
most of it and find it interesting.
Please, there is no need.
I feed on that sort of thing. Anything to do with inverse square laws
and their ilk, is steak and beer as far as I am concerned.
I was going over something Marin Mersenne wrote -some years back now,
but it is still good today.
"Frequent Questions Concerning Genesis" and "The Truth of
Science", asserted that knowledge should freely advance through
experiment and observation, while insisting that hypotheses are, at
best [only] probable explanations.
In 1635 Mersenne formed the informal, private forum: Académie
Parisienne and he corresponded with, promulgated the ideas of, and
mediated disputes among include Galileo Galilei, Blaise Pascal,
Christiaan Huygens, and Pierre de Fermat and was particularly important
in promoting the work of Galileo.
Mersenne greatly facilitated the acceptance of mechanical explanations
against remnants of scholasticism. [ the philosophical systems and
speculative tendencies of various medieval Christian thinkers, who,
working against a background of fixed religious dogma, sought to solve
anew general philosophical problems]
A bit of background. Mersenne was a philosopher in the days when only
male scholars, fluent in Latin, and the sons of the at least fairly
rich, got an education and the few of them with the will and the
resources to continue in the sciences fought tooth and nail against
every sort of barricade to reason and insight to define our
To this day, with the freedom of the press and the resouces of the
treasuries of kingdoms, to meet in open and honest debate; not only for
the rich and the male, the servants of the state and the knob polishers
of the keepers of the philosophies, we are able to examine in the most
minute detail, the theories and the logic of the status quo.
And if possible smash the envelope.
However there is a time and a place for everything. And if a genius
comes along with new insight he must expect still, to be reviled. Even
in this day and this age, a prophet is not accepted by his compatriots.
But one day they will have to know that I am or was a genius. And I am
content with that. It is a very small price to pay for some very great
insights. All I have to do is remember where I got them. And not wear a
mask of humility doing so.
Perhaps I aught to stop the bad language but I am not gifted in dealing
with fools that get in my way. Hank and even one or two of his betters
tend to define the present by looking backwards. Perhaps that is why
such fools are called backward?
He may mean well but so does a hole lot of water.
I realise that making them even madder than the state nature intended,
is hardly likely to endear me to them but for the life of me I can't
see why they just can't leave me alone. Or can they pay for the
lamentable alternative that has cost so many lives, with sacrifices of
their own in order to make full restitution?
Let them. Or let them be damned. They are people of no moment.
Until then I am going to make damned well sure there is as little of
the blood of the uninformed on me as I can wash the hell off.