Droughting Thomas
"CK" wrote in message
.. .
You certainly can. They are supposed to be OUR representatives in
Parliament, and as such should place our interests in the forefront of
Yeah, she made a mistake. Big deal.
That has been (partially) acknowledged. Lawrence should move on.
In the great scheme of things it's really not that important.
I agree with Lawrence. The lies and spin, dishonesty and general
shiftiness of the current encumbents is beyond the pale.
The present government will go to unlimited lengths to control the public,
and extract any and all revenue it can to satisfy its own ends, even if that
means conning us all about droughts, climate change and so-called "green"
issues, crime, education, the Health Service, immigration, transport,
energy, pensions - the list goes on. We are rapidly approaching third world
status, and most of the original partners are laughing their socks off at
Oh yes, it's all a conspiracy I tell you!
We've always had 'spin' just we didn't always call it that.
What was said aboud the winter was just ignorance, not part of some
dastardly plot.
3rd World status? Yeah, right......
Clearly you have no idea what living in a 3rd Wordl country is like.
Bolton, Lancashire.
160m asl.