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Old May 21st 06, 05:23 AM posted to sci.geo.meteorology,news.answers,sci.answers
Tom Berg Tom Berg is offline
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First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Feb 2004
Posts: 42
Default Meteorology FAQ Part 5/7: Sources of weather data

Archive-name: meteorology/net-resources
Last-modified: 1 March 2000

Recent changes:

==within last two weeks==

==within last four weeks==

This article is copyright (c) 2000 by Tom Berg. It may be freely
distributed for non-commercial purposes only, provided that this copyright notice and the instructions on retrieving a current copy are not removed.

With special honor given to Ilana Stern who conceived of this FAQ and
maintained it with the greatest of professionalism and care until the torch was passed to me.

If the date in the headers of the document you're reading
is more than a month old, you should retrieve a current copy.
Current copies of this FAQ series can be obtained in hypertext form via WWW at URL:

There are 7 documents in this FAQ series:
Meteorology FAQ Part 1/7: Intro
Meteorology FAQ Part 2/7: Sources of weather data
Meteorology FAQ Part 3/7: Sources of research data
Meteorology FAQ Part 4/7: Sources of CD-ROMs
Meteorology FAQ Part 5/7: Internet resources ===
Meteorology FAQ Part 6/7: Print and other resources
Meteorology FAQ Part 7/7: List of U.S. State Climatologists

Corrections, additions, and comments should be sent to Tom Berg at
. Please include in your message where you read
this FAQ series. Note that if I know about it, it's in these documents.


Subject: 1) Table of contents

1) Table of contents
2) Overview
3) Newsgroups and WWW bulletin boards
4) Mailing lists
5) Institutional home pages -- non-US
6) Institutional home pages -- US
7) Employment resources
8) Educational resources for teachers
9) Information on meteorology topics

Each (major) section has a "Subject:" line, so you can search on the
subject title above to find the section quickly.


Subject: 2) Overview

This is a list of Internet resources for people wishing to discuss or
learn about meteorology, climatology, oceanography, and related disciplines.
They include resources for laypersons, professionals, teachers, and students.


Subject: 3) Newsgroups and WWW bulletin boards

General discussion of meteorology; current and historic weather
phenomena, hurricanes, ENSO, and so on.

Discussion of geophysical fluid dynamics.

General discussion of oceanography, including but not limited to physical oceanography.
Discussion of data formats used in the sciences, including meteorology.

General discussion of geology; earthquakes, formations, and so on.

Discussion of Geographic Information Systems.

Discussion of chaos, nonlinear systems.

Discussion of global warming, ozone depletion, anthropogenic effects,
social impacts, ecology, and so on. In practice, barely distinguishable from talk.environment.

Discussion of image processing.

Ranting and raving about global warming, ozone depletion, anthropogenic
effects, social impacts, ecology, and so on.
Discussion of weather in the Northeastern United States (particularly
New England).
Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it...
UK and European weather discussion.

WWW-based message board on the subject of weather.

WWW-based chat on the subject of weather.

Geoscience bulletin boards which have evolved out of the old OMNET
mail/conferencing service. Includes a geoscience-dedicated web indexer, job postings, joint author documentation creation software, and research program mailing list management.


Subject: 4) Mailing lists

In the following list of mailing lists, commands to mailservers are
set off using quotation marks ("example"). Don't use the quotes when
sending actual mail to the servers.

A mailing list has been created to discuss issues arising out of the
preservation of the archives of the Alberta Hail Project (AHP). The Alberta Hail Project operated from 1957-1986, and collected meteorological data (centered around hail storms) using several sensors, including a circularly polarized 10 cm radar, a co-located 3 cm radar, and an instrumented aircraft, as well as extensive ground operations and surveys.
A project is currently underway to move as much digital data as possible to CD-ROM and store those at the University of Alberta Data Library. For more information on the project or the archives, email
or see URL:
To subscribe, send a message containing the line "SUBSCRIBE AHP_ARCHIVE-L" to
For information on how to use the list, send a mail message to
with one line containing "HELP". To get a list of the addresses on the list, send a message to containing "SEND/LIST AHP_ARCHIVE-L"

The ai-geostats mailing list was established by in May of 1995 by Gregoire Dubois ), a PhD student in radioecology who uses GIS and geostats software, for the discussion of spatial data analysis, GIS, and geostatistics. As of September 1995 the list includes more than 330 subscribers from 31 countries, and new members are always welcome.
To subscribe, send a message containing the line "subscribe ai-geostats" to
. There is also a homepage, which includes an archive of past postings, at URL:

astroweather-sne (Astronomy-oriented weather for southern New England)
This mailing list is specifically devoted to "astronomer friendly" reports from weather observers around the North Eastern U.S. This list was inspired by two things: 1) The absolute NECESSITY for sky-watchers of all kinds to know cloud conditions at night, throughout their local area, as much in advance as possible, and 2) The fact that details about cloud cover and heading, especially at night, are among the LEAST important items for most weather observers to note or report.
Send a message to the address ", with the following in the BODY (not the Subject line) of your message:
subscribe astroweather-sne
Send a message to the address ", with the following in the BODY (not the Subject line) of your message:
info astroweather-sne

CALMET (Computer Aided Learning in Meteorology)
CALMET is a mailing list dedicated to computer-aided learning in
meteorology. It is associated with the ftp site
To join the list, send mail to
. Messages
to the list go to

CLIMLIST (moderated by John Arnfield)
CLIMLIST is a moderated electronic mail distribution list for climat-
ologists and those working in closely-related fields. It is used to
disseminate notices regarding conferences and workshops, data avail-
ability, calls for papers, positions available etc, as well as requests
for information. An updated directory of email addresses for the
subscribers to the list is distributed every month (usually on the 15th).
To subscribe, mail to whichever of these addresses works for you:
/ /

with the following information:
Your name; your email address; your departmental & institutional
affiliation; whether your email address is shared or personal; your area of interest or responsibility within climatology.

This mailing list has been setup for those whom are hunting for geographic datas, maps and other, and for those whom have such resources available. To subscribe, send email to
with the command
"subscribe grc your_email_address" in the text body. To send mail to
the list, use the address

GT-ATMDC (coordinated by Ivo Bouwmans,
This is the `Theme Group' on Atmospheric Dispersion of Chemicals of the Global Research Network on Sustainable Development. Discussions cover: sources of chemicals and their emission characteristics, the way chemicals disappear from the atmosphere, the atmospheric velocity field and the physical dispersion mechanisms, interaction between the physics and the chemistry of the dispersion process, the effects that chemicals have on the atmospheric system, interaction between the atmosphere and the compartme
nts water and land, selection of consensus models.
This is part of the Global Research Network on Sustainable Development (GRNSD), a worldwide, independent forum of individual scientists. The network will facilitate the international, interdisciplinary, and interactive coordination of the global sustainable development research process.
[More information about GRNSD will be sent after registration or on
To become a member of GT-ATMDC, you must fill out a form describing your contact information, affiliation and research interests. To get the registration form, and more information about the mailing list, send email to
with the subject "send gt-atmdc-info".

The goal of HHNet is to promote communication between scientists
interested in hydrology. It will generate a regular newsletter called
the 'HHNet Digest' for announcements and scientific queries of general
interest, provide a central site for obtaining current e-mail addresses
of those working in these areas, and diffuse information such as data,
information on meetings and seminars, details of new books and journal
articles, and vacant faculty positions.
Submissions for Hydro Digest: E-mail to

with "submit" as subject.
Subscriptions for Hydro Digest: E-mail to
"subscribe" as subject. To unsubscribe, e-mail with "unsubscribe" followed by your e-mail address as subject.

MET-AI (administered by
MET-AI is an unmoderated mailing list for meteorologists and AI researchers interested in applications of artificial intelligence to meteorology. Suitable topics for discussion include (but are not limited to): applications of machine learning to weather forecasting, artificial neural networks in meteorology, automatic interpretation and analysis of satellite imagery, automatic synthesis of weather forecast texts, case-based reasoning and meteorology, expert systems and decision aids for weather forecast
ing, high-level interfaces to archives of meteorological data, and statistical
pattern recognition
To subscribe to MET-AI, send e-mail to
including the command "subscribe" in the body of your message.

MET-JOBS (administered by
MET-JOBS is a moderated list for posts of employment opportunity
announcements in meteorology, climatology, and other atmospheric sciences.
Announcements of teaching or research graduate assistantships, postdoctoral research positions, etc., also are appropriate. Any employment setting (academia, government, or private industry) located anywhere in the world is appropriate.
*** DO NOT *** post resumes, inquiries, responses to job opportunity
posts, etc., to this list. Persons who do so may be removed from the list.
There is also a GEOSCI-JOBS list, which can be accessed in a similar
fashion, for other geoscience jobs.


You may subscribe/unsubscribe at any time by sending email to
with the suject SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE.
If you would rather receive the messages as a DIGEST (several messages
compiled into one) instead send your subscription message to
To post an Employment Opportunity Announcement, send it as a message
. The preferred format is to (1) include the
educational level required, field, and location as the subject of
the message [e.g., PhD: Meteorology: USA-KS would indicate a PhD-level
meteorology position located in Kansas] and (2) format your message
to a width of 72 characters or less (longer lines get truncated at
some sites, including archive sites).

Met-stud (administered by Dennis Schulze)
This mailing list is open to all, but particularly intended as a
communications facility among meteorology students worldwide. Subjects
of discussion could include scholarships, summer schools, conferences,
and comparisons of the meteorology programs at various universities.
Meteorological problems and questions could also be discussed.
To subscribe, send mail to
"SUB met-stud First_Name Last_Name" in the body of the message.
Administrative mail should be sent to that address too.
The list's address itself is
Although the list is based in Germany, the language used is English.

nfc (National Forecasting Contest)
This mailing list is open to everyone but particularly intended as a
communication facility for participants of the National Forecasting Contest which is carried out over the Internet. The organizers hope that it will lead to debates about the issued forecasts and to discuss different ways of creating forecasts. Topics may also range from numerical models to current weather events. Everything which has to do with weather and forecasting is welcome.
To subscribe, send email to
the line "sub nfc first_name last_name" in the message body.
The list's address itself is
. If you have any problems or questions send mail to . Though the list is situated in Germany the language is English.

Weather-users (administered by
This list is for discussions of weather servers; sharing of code to
automatically query weather servers; and announcements of availability
(or lack thereof) and changes to weather servers. Initially, Jeff Masters ) has agreed to send Weather Underground status notices to this list.
To join or quit the list, email to
the list mail address is

, Todd Gross)
This is a Southern/Central New England amateur weather observer mailing list where observations are made by weather watchers on a continuing basis and shared with the rest of those subscribed to the list. We are also accepting observations from nearby portions of N.Y. State. To subscribe to the digest version send email to
with "SUBSCRIBE" in the body of the message.

WXOBS-MDA (run by
, William Hipkins)

This maillist is for those interested in obtaining more information
regarding weather in the states of: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, DC and parts of New York. You will receive weather
watches/warnings, state summaries and forecasts, special weather statements, and best of all, local observations by other list subscribers. If you keep daily weather records for your community, you can post them to the list. There is also a digest version available.
To subscribe, send email to
. In the body of the message, include "SUBSCRIBE". To send information to the list, mail to .

Wxsat (administered by Richard B. Emerson)
Wxsat resends all NOAA/NESDIS bulletins on polar and geostationary weather satellites as well as occasional material on Meteosat. Bulletins with orbital predictions, spacecraft operation schedules, and related messages are copied from NOAA.SAT on SCIENCEnet and forwarded to all addresses on the list. The list is configured to accept and broadcast mail from subscribers to the list at large. Wxsat does not store or distribute imagery and is not primarily a "chat" list. Wxsat is oriented towards users w
ith a daily operational need for TBUS and related bulletins.
An archive of roughly 60 days' messages are available for retrieval via email messages to
. Send the message "help" in the text to the archive server for details on how to retrieve the current index and other files. There is also an archive for programs and gifs at URL:
Subscription requests go to

WX-TALK and other WX-lists
WX-TALK is a mailing list for weather-related topics, special event
notifications, job announcements, and administrative messages. WX-CHASE is for tornado/storm chasing discussions. SKYWARN is for discussions related to severe local storm spotting and civil defense issues. These lists, and some other specialized weather-related lists, are run from the LISTSERV machine at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. For more information about these lists and information on how to subscribe, send e-mail to
with the following command:
sendme wx-talk.doc

Volcano mailing list (edited by Jon Fink)
Send submissions and subscription requests to Jon Fink at
, or aijhf@ASUACAD (via Bitnet).


Subject: 5) Institutional home pages -- non-US

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

International Weather Watchers

International Society of Biometeorology

European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF)

European Ozone Research Coordinating Unit

Environment Canada home page (Toronto, ON). Contains links to other
Environment Canada servers:
Environment Canada - Green Lane (Ottawa) URL:
Environment Canada - Bedford, Nova Scotia URL:
Environment Canada - Vancouver, British Columbia URL:
Great Lakes Information Management Resource URL:
Canada Centre for Inland Waters URL:

Deutscher Wetterdienst (German weather service)

Alfred Wegener Institute

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany

Royal Meteorological Institute (Belgium)

Meteo-France (French weather service)

UK Meteorological Office

British Antarctic Survey

BBC Weather Centre

Chilbolton Radar Facilty, Radio Communications Research Unit at
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Royal Meteorological Society

Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO)

Dutch Weather Service

The Australian Oceanographic Data Centre

The CSIRO (Australia) Division of Oceanography

Australia Bureau of Meteorology

Bureau of Meteorology Research (Australia)

Meteorological Service of New Zealand

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (New Zealand)

Meteorological Research Institute (Japan)


Subject: 6) Institutional home pages -- US

US Government sites:

NASA system-wide home page

NASA Goddard Climate and Radiation Branch

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

National Weather Service

NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories

NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory

NESDIS (National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service)

National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center

National Severe Storms Laboratory

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Regional Climate Centers:

Western RCC

Northeast RCC

Southeast RCC

Southern RCC

High Plains RCC

Other institutions:

Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center

Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)

Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS)

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

California Department of Water Resources home page

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO)

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA)

Program for Climate Model Diagnosis & Intercomparison (PCMDI) of the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

American Meteorological Society

American Geophysical Union

Department of Earth Sciences at the State University of New York at Brockport

Purdue University Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Science


Subject: 7) Employment resources

These are Internet resources that may be useful in finding a job
in atmospheric science or related fields. Also please see the
MET-JOBS mailing list.

National Weather Association job listings. Includes broadcast
meteorology, forecasting, research.

This WWW site contains job listings culled from Usenet newsgroups and
mailing lists, as well as pointers to other sites which contain both
general and meteorology-related jobs.

Meteorological Employment Journal, listing current meteorological and
related scientific job opportunities. Updated weekly.

NOAA Resource Development Center Consolidated Vacancy Announcement System list. This is a list of NOAA federal jobs in meteorology, oceanography, hydrology, and related technical disciplines.

UCAR News job anouncements. Includes information on applying for jobs at NCAR/UCAR, a list of vacancies, and archives of job announcements.

Vacancy listing for GIS/GPS/Remote Sensing professionals.


Subject: 8) Educational resources for teachers

Also see section 9, information on meteorology topics.

Software and documents in support of computer-aided learning in meteorology; it is associated with the CALMET mailing list (described in the Resources

Nebraska Earth Science Education Network pages contain a variety
of lesson plans and projects for teaching earth science.

University of Michigan Weather Underground contains many curriculum
resources for K-12 education including the "Blue Skies" program. Also
a list of other resources at URL:

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)'s pointers to
educational resources for K-12, undergraduate/postgraduate, and general
public science literacy.

Automated Weather Source Inc.'s Nationwide School Weather Network.
Some resources ("Virtual Schoolhouse") are under development.

Thematic unit for weather for grades two through four. Lessons in
various subjects with a weather theme.

"Weather Here and There" unit which incorporates interaction with the
Internet and hands-on collaborative, problem solving activites for students in grades four through six.

UIUC-CoVis Geosciences Web Server. The Learning Through Collaborative Visualization (CoVis) Project is thousands of students, over a hundred teachers, and dozens of researchers and scientists working to improve science education in middle and high schools. Participating students study atmospheric and environmental sciences through inquiry-based activities.
The server includes instructional materials on a variety of geoscience topics, including meteorology, climatology, and oceanography.

BBC Weather Centre's "children's weather" page. Course in building a
weather station and other children-oriented weather information.

National Snow and Ice Data Center information on the Blizzard of '96
for k-12 students.


Subject: 9) Information on meteorology topics


USA Today's How the Weather Works pages. Lots of basic information
on fronts, high and low pressure, storm systems, tornados, hurricanes,
clouds, humidity, the jet stream and other weather-related topics.

UIUC Department of Atmospheric Sciences Electronic Textbook. Includes sections on air pressure, winds, and atmospheric optics; a guide to weather maps and images; a catalog of cloud types; and a storm-spotters' guide.

The American Geophysical Union's "Science for Everyone": selected
papers from AGU about earth science topics.

Robert Grumbine's collection of Science FAQs. Climate change, ozone,
CO2, and other information.


Robert Parson's Ozone Depletion FAQ

Stratospheric Ozone Law, Information & Science page. Links to policy
information and scientific information on the ozone layer and the ozone hole.

EPA Ozone depletion web site. Includes information on the science,
regulations to protect the ozone layer, fact sheets, Title VI of the Clean Air Act, info on the UV Index, a glossary of terms, and how consumers can help protect the ozone layer.

Climate change:

Bob Grumbine's Sea Level, Ice, and Greenhouses FAQ

Climate Change Basics article by Jan Schloerer.

CO2 rise article by Jan Schloerer.

El Nino:

El Nino theme page, from NOAA's Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory
(PMEL). Information about El Nino / Southern Oscilation.

NOAA's Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC) El Nino information page.
Information about the current state and forecasts of El Nino, plus
educational and research information.

Severe weather:

Chris Landsea's Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Tropical Storms FAQ

Kerry Anderson's Lightning FAQ

William Beaty's collection of articles, cites, and WWW links pertaining to Ball Lightning