"Col" wrote in message
"Will Hand" wrote in message
May is my favourite month, but the weather has conspired to ruin it :-(
Yes I'm in a foul mood this morning! :-) If I hear any more words about
on the TV or radio I'll throw a brick at it.
Yes, people in the south should stop moaning and just have to accept
that they will have to pay more if the want to secure supplies of this
valuable resource. I'm looking forward to when they build the national
water grid. My water company will sell the stuff down south, thus
reducing my water bills 
Hmmmm bit optimistic there Col (yes I saw the smiley!). Here in the SW we have
the most expensive water in the country (England) yet the bloomin stuff comes
out of the sky in torrents. Seems as far as water is concerned the laws of
economics don't apply. To my mind the SE should have the most expensive water as
it is a rarer commodity there. Yes I know we are paying for infrastrusture,
sewerage and ensuring that the beaches are clean for holidaymakers in the
summer, but on this horrendous rainy day in May I will have paid the equivalent
of a pint of beer water rate for the privilege of watching it fall out of the
1230 and now 17.3 mm for the event and still heaving down at 3.3 mm / hour.
Bar 991.8 hPa and falling quickly. Wind strengthening from the SSE.
Well I did say I was in a bad mood :-)
" You cannot count your life a success unless you can find one person who says
that they are happier because you were born "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk/Hayt...antage_Pro.htm
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