Weatherlawyer wrote:
A storm approaching the Philippines and the East Sea will cause heavy
rains in southern Vietnam, the Vietnamese weather bureau predicted
The southern Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting Center said Storm Chanchu
was moving northwest by west towards southern Philippines.
It could reach the East Sea Saturday morning and thus become the first
storm this year on the sea, the centre added.
The southern coastal region and Ho Chi Minh City are expected to
experience heavy rains.
China rescues 330 Vietnamese fishermen after typhoon.
BEIJING (AFP) - Chinese rescue ships have saved 330 Vietnamese
fishermen who were aboard 22 boats caught in storms brought by powerful
Typhoon Chanchu, state television has reported.
The search, which the TV report called "the largest international
rescue operation at sea ever conducted by China," had been going on for
close to 40 hours and was continuing.
Now all I need to hear is that Mayor Nagin has ben relelected by the
survivors of Katrina.