"Graham Easterling" wrote in message
Will Hand wrote:
May is my favourite month, but the weather has conspired to ruin it :-(
Yes I'm in a foul mood this morning! :-) If I hear any more words about
on the TV or radio I'll throw a brick at it.
Been fairly sunny in the far SW since 10:00 - Typically sunny cyclonic
conditions once the front cleared. Beaches in St Ives which face away
from the fresh SSW wind are quite busy. High tide so good for swimming
(in a wetsuit!) in the harbours. Lunch in T Shirt & Shorts outside the
Porthminster Beach Restaurant. I might get around to uploading a few
jpegs later.
Still, you don't live on Dartmoor unless you enjoy mist & rain.
Graham, I don't mind mist and rain, but not in May when it is supposed to be our
driest month.
Still we had a minutes burst of sunshine a few minutes ago at 1500 and the rain
has stopped after 17.8 mm but it's still OVC and the shower clouds are building.
Temp. now rocketed up to 11.0 degC.
" You cannot count your life a success unless you can find one person who says
that they are happier because you were born "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
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