I have a SAME radio available (ShareCom) which can be programmed by an 8
year old. Counties are already included with the radio and it's programmed
using a joystick and button from a graphical interface.
If you contact me off list: wxforecaster at , I have them
available at $99.95 + shipping.
"Pedro Sanchez" wrote in message

Sorry to report but either it didn't come through or people may have
been too busy to reply:
I need a SAME weather radio. Please Suggest one?
I am in need of a S.A.M.E. "portable" weather radio. What I am in need
of more than anything else is one that is really easy to program the
FIPS codes. The one I already have requires a Phd to put in codes or
to delete codes.
Please suggest a model, anything under $100 will do, thank you so