Tom Berg wrote:
Dr. Patrick J. Michaels
Virginia State Climate Office
Clark Hall
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903
T: 804-924-0549/7761
Pedophile-Owned Washington Times Promotes Pat Michaels Latest Felony
WE all know by now that the convicted Sun Myung Moon served time in
Federal Penitentary for several crime convictions.
In the book "The DARK SIDE of the MOONS" we find this
pedophile-procurer strongarmed a devotee to give up his 15-year-old
daughter as bedmate for Moon's juvenile delinquent 17-year-old son. If
any Christian preacher had done such a thing he would be inside
penitentary for 15-to-life.
Rightwingers love the pedophile Moon and his Washington Times.
Organized Crime also loves him, and gets loved back. Members of TASSC
(The A.S.S. Coalition, or The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition)
have an open door to use Moon's Washington Times as a platform to
bellow out felony fraud science hoaxes and insults.
Today, May 24th, the notorious felon and fraudster Patrick J. Michaels
used Moon's platform to dump another load of feces on whoever reads
that putrid rag.
TASSC Michaels comes from the corrupted University of Virginia, where
his cohort TASSC Fred Singer hails from. WHAT? You are surprised that a
tobacco state university with tobbaco fortune alumni and tobacco
fortune bequests would allow faculty to join in a tobacco conspiracy
to defraud? Well get used to it because 46 states sued the tobacco
organized crime godfathers and used court subpoena power to yank out of
secret file cabinets 40,000,000 pages of evidence proving exactly that.
Fred Singer was a key operative -- in 1993 and 1994 he pulled off four
felony fraud crime operations, and for two of them he was was housed in
offices he admits were provided by pedophilist Moon.
APCO ASSociates organized an operation named TASSC with Philip Morris
Tobacco, and it had no other purpose than to discredit the EPA because
they declared second-hand smoke to be a cancer hazard. To hide Philip
Morris control of the group it was decided to add as many dirty
pollution corporations with EPA issues, like asbestos lung cancer,
chlorine-dioxin emissions. Lots of other groups were invited to join
under false pretenses. The control was held by the inner core of poison
and pollution comanies, and a cadre of already proven science liars was
recruited. S. Fred Singer was a TASSC Science advisor, as was
20-year-employee of tobacco companies TASSC Fred Seitz. Singer and
Seitz and Bruce Ames and Singer's then-wife Candace Crandell have been
the directors of SEPPtic Tank, created by Singer at Moon's offices
while Singer was masteriminding four major international science frauds
on tobacco payrolls.
Singer's buddy, collegue, partner-in-crime at University of Virginia
became a TASSC Science advisor, and has been accomplice of Singer's in
crimes committed from Cato Institute, where both receive pockets full
of Oil money. Cato was created by Killer Koch brother Charles, and
Killer Koch brother David watches over the family puppetstrings as
director. TASSC Steve Milloy is also a partner of TASSC Michaels and
TASSC Singer at Cato.
TASSC Steve Milloy is also an employee of FOX NEWS which is owned by
Rupert Milloy who was on the Board of Directors of Cato and Philip
Morris simultaneously. Cato usually has had a vice president or
executive on its board, so it is not surprising that Cato hires TASSC
tobacco fraud operatives. What isn't well know is that Killer Koch
Brothers are oil billionaires with the largest pollution fines in US
history -- so then it is not surprising that they want to murder the
EPA who keeps catching them pollute America and causing them to get
fined. In recent years Koch Industries had paid out $55,000,000.00 in
fines, $10 million of that was CRIMINAL FINES for violating CRIMINAL
TASSC Patrick Michaels is the hired character assassin to help the oil
billionaires and the tobacco billionaires and the convicted
felon-pedophile billionaire to keep subverting America for private
profits. Exxon, Killer Koch Oil, Drunkard Scaife Oil Fortune and
Greening Earth-Western Fuels Coal have lavishly routed money into
character assassin TASSC Patrick Michaels pockets.
TASSC Patrick J. Michaels FACTSHEET:
- The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition
The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition has received $30,000
from ExxonMobil since 1998.
- Cato Institute
Cato Institute has received $90,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
Koch Oil funding for Cato Institute = $12,999,240.
Scaife Oil Fortune funding for Cato Institute = $2,057,500
- Independent Commission on Environmental Education (project of the
George Marshall Institute)
George C. Marshall Institute has received $630,000 from
ExxonMobil since 1998.
Koch Oil funding for George C. Marshall Institute = $30,000
Scaife Oil Fortune funding for George C. Marshall Foundation =
- American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
American Council on Science and Health has received $110,000
from ExxonMobil since 1998.
Koch Oil funding for American Council on Science and Health =
Scaife Oil Fortune funding for American Council on Science and
Health = $205,000
- Consumer Alert (Competitive Enterprise Institute)
Consumer Alert has received $70,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
Competitive Enterprise Institute has received $2,005,000 from
ExxonMobil since 1998.
Koch Oil funding for Consumer Alert = $10,000
Koch Oil funding for Competitive Enterprise Institute = $666,420
Scaife Oil Fortune funding Competitive Enterprise Institute =
- Cooler Heads Coalition (Competitive Enterprise Institute)
Competitive Enterprise Institute has received $2,005,000 from
ExxonMobil since 1998.
Koch Oil funding for Competitive Enterprise Institute = $666,420
Scaife Oil Fortune funding Competitive Enterprise Institute =
- American Policy Center (member of the Cooler Heads Coalition)
Competitive Enterprise Institute has received $2,005,000 from
ExxonMobil since 1998.
Koch Oil funding for Competitive Enterprise Institute = $666,420
Scaife Oil Fortune funding Competitive Enterprise Institute =
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow has received $472,000 from
ExxonMobil since 1998.
Scaife Oil Fortune funding Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
- American Legislative Exchange Council
American Legislative Exchange Council has received $1,189,700
from ExxonMobil since 1998.
Koch Oil funding for American Legislative Exchange Council =
Scaife Oil Fortune funding American Legislative Exchange Council
= $1,545,000
- Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy
Weidenbaum Center has received $120,000 from ExxonMobil since
- Heritage Foundation
Heritage Foundation has received $555,000 from ExxonMobil since
Koch Oil funding for Heritage Foundation = $1,952,000
Scaife Oil Fortune funding Heritage Foundation = $22,296,640
- Tech Central Science Foundation or Tech Central Station
Tech Central Station has received $95,000 from ExxonMobil since
Koch Oil funding for Tech Central Science Foundation = $25,000
- Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow has received $472,000 from
ExxonMobil since 1998.
Scaife Oil Fortune funding Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
= $1,020,000
- World Climate Report (Greening Earth Society, a Western Fuels
Association project)
Michaels has received hundreds of thousands in industry funding
from the German Coal Mining Association, the Western Fuels Association
and Cyprus Minerals, a leading funder of the virulently
anti-environmental "Wise Use Movement" of the early 1990s. His
newsletter, "World Climate Report" , was funded by The Western Fuels
Association and sent free of charge to every member of the Society of
Environmental Journalists. Michaels is on the board of the Greening
Earth Society, a creation of The Western Fuels Association