26 May 2006
Wokingham 0900z 230 09/22kt 20km -RA 6St008 7St012 8Sc025
+14.9/+14.2 QFF 1015.8 Falling 0.2 in 3hr
RMK Periiod of mad/hvy rain 0420 to 0520z, then
intermittent rain, with short bursts of mod.
09-09 Max 18.9 Min 12.7 Grass min 11.8
Rain 2.7 Sun (00-24) 5.6
Wokingham 1500z 260 14/25kt 40km 7Sc022
+18.1/+13.4 QFF 1018.1 Rising 2.2 in 3hr
RMK Patchy slight drizzle up to midday, then dry.
A few transient breaks in the cloud with short bursts of sun.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
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