Today's model interpretation (28/05/06)
Darren Prescott wrote:
Here is a summary of the latest NWP output for noon on Thursday. Issued
0526z, 28 May 06.
They are for Friday now. The maps I need are 120 less 24 I take it?
I'll have a go at the URLs in a bit.
For the moment the maps look like showing a predominant Atlantic high
pressure system just off the coast. (It might interest my fans to
follow the centre of the high over the next fortnight in comparison
with the lunar decliation on a navigator's almanack.
The moon is at or near it's northern node atm: declination +28 degrees
or so. It will be heading south around the equator next weekend and
near the southern node on the 10 th or 11th of June when the high
should have moved over to give rise to conditions allowing a tropical
cyclone at least to form in the southern reaches of the N Atlantic.
Oops I have just snipped all the maps before checking the urls over
that 120 hrs thingie. Sorry.
I will let others do it as I am not interested in detailed work like
that. It's too fiddly. Firefox with TabBrowser extension allows you to
open all the sites at once though and save some meddling.