How was it for you?
Weatherlawyer wrote:
What was the weather like for you in August and September 2004?
AUG. 16 01 24 = wet
AUG. 23 10 12 = wet
AUG. 30 02 22 = x
SEPT. 6 15 11 = x
SEPT. 14 14 29 = x
SEPT. 21 15 54 = wet
SEPT. 28 13 09 = wet
All the above were in reference to the weather in the UK of course. I
have no idea what they would have been like in reality.
The following data may be of interest:
(format = Date - Temp. Min/Max - Pressure at 0900 - Precip. mm - Wind at 0900)
16.8 - 13/19 - 1002f - 0.0 - NE2
23.8 - 12/19 - 1017f - 0.25 - E3
30.8 - 9/16 - 1005r - 1.0 - NE5
06.9 - 11/20 - 1038r - 0.0 - N2
14.9 - 10/14 - 988r - 6.0 - SE3
21.9 - 9/15 - 1002r - 0.25 - W4
28.9 - 10/12 - 1015r - 3.0 - E3
Of those, Sep. 14 could reasonably be described as wet.