Panorama and the American cover-up
Alan Gardiner wrote:
I can't understand why they don't see global warming as an opportunity to
develop technologies to address the problem and create new business for
themselves. If they don't someone else will.
It's a peculiarity of democracy that the most prolific polluters can
vote for the nuclear reactors to be erected at the furthest point from
which they can do the most good.
What would solve the emergency overnight is to have the reactors sited
in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle and
the other large cities. It would be an idea too, to open up all the
secret records about the way they were and are built and run.
And all the cabinet ministers must live in houses next door to them in
perpetuity with no holidays abroad in the homes of rich politicians who
have already bribed fellow MPs and/or their spouses.
We'd all wake up one morning to find that Carbon and Sulphur Dioxide
emissions had not only dropped overnight but turned out to be healthful
all the while.