Panorama and the American cover-up
Simon Bennett wrote:
Simon Bennett wrote:
Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
This was the man who when asked about a particularly rough flight
said he was
"glad to get his feet back on Terracotta"
I hardly think, Lawrence, that you are in any position to mock
anybody's English!
^^^ Regrettable though Mr Prescott is, I must add!
I do agee with Lawrence (if I understood your argument). Why should the
finger be pointed at the US - obviously they are a rich country and
people do have cars, a/c's etc. Not surprising that they use a lot of
energy to run them. I don't believe they waste energy or don't care
about pollution. Try flying over African countries or India and you see
the amount of smoke being put into the atmosphere from poor people
burning wood to survive. I'm quite sure global warming is happening but
the solution is not to expect the Americans to turn their economy
backwards and have their people burning wood to eke out a living. The
solution will come from first world countries who will develop energy
sources that do not pollute.