Richard Dixon wrote:
Brian Wakem wrote in :
They are going for 9's at 15:00 each day this week. Have we been
transported to Africa while I was asleep?
Maybe they still think they're at their corporate Alpine retreat and
forgotten to subtract 2000m from their UV calculations?
I dont quite understand these figures. What variables are used to
calculate them, and are they verified for accuracy? Last week the
figure was 4 to 5 for SW England, but now it is forecast to be 7 or 8
over the weekend. How can this be, given we have had clear skies for
much of the time and the sun is unlikely to double its uv output in the
space of a week. The only thing that has increased is the max temp.
What worries me is that I bought a pair of glasses in the 1990s and had
Reactolite lenses fitted to save me having to put sunglasses on while
driving. The lenses worked very well, but they became far darker in
March and April than they did between June and August. I began to feel
a bit silly with dark glasses on in March. One cloudy day in March I
was watching my son in a rugby match in Clevedon. The weather was
overcast with low stratus and drizzle coming in off the Bristol
Channel, but my glasses were very dark and there was nothing I could do
about it. I began to get a bit self conscious when this happened, as it
is not every day you see people with sunglasses in a damp and miserable
day during March.
I assume the lenses were telling me someting about uv radiation and
thinning of the ozone layer that the 'official' figures dont seem to