In article .com,
Waghorn writes:
I'm making work all round ;-).
how about-
"From 1937 he carried out...
.Manley interpreted the phenomenon in hydrodynamic terms as a 'standing
wave' and 'rotor', a model confirmed in 1939 by glider flights"
OK, I'll put that in.
I think the hydrodynamic model from observations bit is important. BTW
somebody ought to write an article/book on the use of glider
observations in meteorology in the 30s and 50s-while I'm dishing out
The scans wld n't take long if you'd like a copy.
Thanks for the offer, but I confess that hydrodynamical processes aren't
something that I have much understanding of or interest in.
John Hall
"The covers of this book are too far apart."
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)