Good point Bernard.
The station is not in an ideal position, being in a flower bed rather
than in the middle of a patch of grass the size of a football pitch :-)
I think the radiation shield is OK though.
I have a spare radiation shield so I'll pop my calibrated PT100 in that
and stick it in the middle of the garden. It'll be interesting to see
what the difference is though I can already hear "your not leaving that
thing there" from SWMBO!!
Phil, if you see this, what sort of location do you have your Temp
Sensor in?
Bernard Burton wrote:
Perhaps you could look at the exposure? Do you have an unrestricted flow
around your site, or is there an object that would put the sensor in the lee
of it, causing air stagnation? Is your radiation shield or screen adequate.?
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
"Neil" wrote in message
Interesting - we had 27.3 in West Horsley (Guildford approx 8 miles)and
28.7 the day before.
I calibrated the sensor about 6 months ago - perhaps I'd better check it
Phil Layton wrote:
Guildford 09/06/06 22:08Z
Temp 16.8°C
Dewpt 9.0°C
Baro 1018.8mb Steady
Rain 0.0mm
10.4°C at 4:38Z
25.8°C at 13:58Z
Low Pressure
1018.7mb at 19:14Z
High Pressure
1024.7mb at 0:00Z
Yet to beat the 25.9c on the 4th May.....